Sunday, 22 January 2017

Vegan Life Live

I was kindly told about the Vegan Life Live event in London by @FreshNaturals.

 Fresh Naturals are a Leeds based company who specialise in organic, cruelty free, vegan, SLS and paraffin free products.
You should of course remember them from my Fitmas Gift Guide and the review on their  vegan soaps that I am sure you loved reading.

Not only did Fresh Naturals tell me about it, she also wrangled me two free tickets to go and check it out in that London!

"Why am I writing about veganism?" I hear you cry.

Well admittedly I am not a vegan but it is one of the healthiest lifestyles you can have.

Plus nothing has to die to make your meal so I will include vegan content in this blog so anyone who reads this will know that their are plenty of alternatives out their to eating animals or their byproducts as well as writing about all the cruelty products we all love!

"But why cosmetics, soaps etc?" You demand.

Well what you put onto your skin doesn't just sit there.
If you are putting harsh chemicals onto your skin they are also being absorbed and could potentially doing you harm.

Now that that's over with let's crack on!
 But not crack on using an egg, the vegans wouldn't approve.

I ended up blasting a  round trip to London from Leeds in a day but I am so glad I did.

Not only did I get the chance to hang out with @perfectlypolished, the woman behind me starting this blog and a successful beauty and fashion blogger ( if you fancy a gander at her blog then click here) but the Vegan Life Live event was amazing!

There were so many interesting products from vegan soaps and cosmetics to custom vegan trainers, vegan pet food, vegan oral care, the list goes on.

The big focus of the event was definitely food with a big focus on chocolate with too many stands to count!

The big ones for me were Clive's Pies, who sold out after a couple of hours.

Loving Earth Chocolate was by far the best chocolate I have ever tasted.
With no milk used how do they get their chocolate so rich and creamy?
My money is on witch craft!

Optiat, a caffeine scrub that feels, smells and does amazing for your skin and even source their coffee grounds from coffee shops around London.

Kokoa  a company that sells African Black Soap and Shea Butter and Coconut based products. The girl on the stall was also an absolute delight!

True Nopal Cactus water is fantastic, I hope it gets as big as coconut water so I can pick it up in more places than just Waitrose!

Bamboo Pillows sound like a miracle pillow.
 I did give one a squeeze and laid my head on one and have to say they are  super comfortable and with  claims of curing snoring, insomnia, asthma, migraines, lock jaw and also self cooling I had to snap one up for myself.

At the event they were being sold for about £40 but I am a slave to my bank account so hit up amazon and snapped one up for £13.

Mr Organic make the most delicious mayonnaise I have ever come across, it some how tastes more eggy than a mayo made with eggs!

I wanted some so badly I ordered a jar from Holland and Barrets.
Upon getting my jar on the ingredients list it does actually contain a non organic ingredient but with it having 30% less fat than regular mayo and no eggs I will let the  misleading name slide.

T Plus are a range of fruit and vitamin infused tea and give 10p for every box sold to Vitamin Angels, a charity that help  children and  mothers who are at risk of malnutrition.

If you buy just two boxes of tea that will give a child a years supply of vitamin A and you get to keep two boxes of delicious tea!

Tyne Chease, a vegan cheese company, cheese made from cashew nuts, who would of thought it would be possible!?

If you are seriously thinking about going vegan you might drop the line
"cheese though"

With studies comparing cheese addiction to cocaine it's hardly surprising that might be a concern but with Tyne Chease you needn't worry your pretty, cheese filled head about it.

If you are feeling curious about how I found going dairy free for my two challenge then click here and for how dairy impacts your health click here.

I am sorry to the companies that I have not mentioned, there were so many great products featured I had to limit myself to the ones that really stood out to me.

If you get the chance to attend a Vegan Life Live event then grab it with both hands, it will hopefully surprise you with the alternatives that are out there.


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