In the hallowed halls of my local Asda I came across a packet of Soy Mince for £1 so I snapped it up!
Unbelievably all you do is empty the sachet into a bowl, shlomp in some boiling water then wait a minute.
I would say the taste and texture would be like meaty cous cous with a hint of oats.
If you are worried about getting your protein quota fulfilled then worry not, soy mince has 14.9 grams of protein pre 100g of mince.
If you are worried about getting your protein quota fulfilled then worry not, soy mince has 14.9 grams of protein pre 100g of mince.
I used some to make bolognese and will be looking to make a vegan lasagne and vegan cottage pie at some point, I am sure you will all be on the edge of your seats waiting for the pictures of those.
I would be hard pressed to guess that there was no meat and found it very filling and wasn't greasy like when I cook with meat mince.
I am a convert to be honest, not only is it not massively dissimilar to meat but because it's dehydrated soy and will last for months and months in my cupboard and costs a third of what meat mince would do.
Don't be shy, give soy mince a try!
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