Friday, 20 November 2015

Muscle Mousse Chocolate Cheese Cake

This is another recipe I made using the Chocolate Muscle Mousse that those delight little devils at Muscle Mousse sent me!

 Again this is a pretty easy recipe as I have not become a master chef over night, I got this recipe from the Mousse Kitchen on the Muscle Mousse website check it out here

The recipe is for a backed cheese cake but I just chilled mine, added some chocolate drops for a bit of class and said job done!


4 scoops of Muscle Mousse

1 tbsp of cocoa
300g low fat cream cheese
500g of quark
200g digestive biscuits 
2 tbsp of peanut butter or coconut oil  ( I thought I had peanut butter in my cupboard, but I didn't so I used butter, true story! )

Take your biscuits and finely crush them; either by putting them into a sandwich bag and attacking them with a rolling pin, or if possible, with a blender. Separately melt the peanut butter/ coconut oil using a pan or microwave and then stir in the crushed biscuits until fully coated. Pour into an 8 inch loose bottomed cake tin and press down as tightly as possible.
Now into a separate bowl, add your quark, cream cheese, cocoa, & Muscle Mousse. Beat the bowl as hard as you can as you’ll need to ensure there are no lumps of powder remaining.
Pour the mixture onto the biscuit base and level it out, them whack it in the fridge and leave it for at least 4 hours.
I found the cheese cake quite heavy and  as I have mentioned in other posts sugar has properly destroyed my sense of taste so I would add some sugar sorry, not sorry!


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