Monday, 27 July 2015

Mystic Spray Tan

So I went I had a spray tan!

Before and after
Have you ever seen a body builder on competition day and noticed they are violent shade of nuclear orange? Well the power of the tan, coupled with some major hair removal and strategic will show off much more definition than what you would get if you were rocking the albino Chewbacca look!

With this in mind I took the plunge and got myself my very own spray tan! I choose to use a Mystic Spray Tan booth for £10 at the appropriately named The Tanning Shop in Leeds City Centre.

I chose to try the Mystic spray tan for two reasons, I don't have to stand there in an embarrassing virtually see through paper thong in front of a stranger, in fact I could forgo the thong all together and happily go naked and avoid any tan lines!

I popped into a little room, was instructed to cream up my knees, elbows and the end of my fingers, taught the hand positions I need to do during the tan and slapped on a charming blue hair net, I must admit I looked glorious!

After I creamed myself up I slipped on the disposable sandals provided, positioned myself on the dance mat inspired foot pads and pressed the start button.

Luckily the spray starts from your feet and works it's way up so no need to worry about being unexpectedly blinded on your journey to unleashing your inner  bronzed god! Then a disembodied voice instructed me to move to the different numbered foot positions which would be all good and well but without my glasses I am rendered as blind as Velma from Scooby doo when she is similarly without her spectacles, coupled with slipping out of the sandals I feared I would fall, break my neck and be discovered an hour later, naked and half tanned!

Pale forehead
After the tan was completed I had to wipe off the excess tan from my hands, and seen as the tan doesn't activate for 8 hours I did a less the superb job of it!

Other than the patchy, orange brown palms, smears on my knees, elbows and orange big toe nails the only other issue I found was that I think I may of been a touch too tall for the machine as it didn't quite cover my forehead, apparently I needed to of used much more cream to prevent my patchy hands!

The before and after of my tan doesn't look all that dramatic for two reasons, lighting makes a massive difference how defined you look and how dark the tan is, I went for a light tan when I re-review the Mystic spray tan I will do for a medium and post the results as get a picture of me sporting the fantastic little hair net that I was provided with!.

 All in all though I found this is be a good way to get a spray tan, particularly if you are self conscious about being stood in an enclosed space, with all your bits and bobs out in front of a stranger who is spraying all your nooks and crannies.


Thursday, 23 July 2015

Low calorie frozen dessert!

Looking for a low calorie, slightly indulgent dessert that won't cost you the world? Well look no further than this trick you can pull to stop you from devouring an entire tub of Ben and Jerrys!

Freeze mousses! With mousses generally being low calories and come in little pots to help you track your calories you can't really go wrong, I know I don't have the will power to return a tub of ice cream to the freeze, once it's out it is getting devoured in one disgusting, gluttonous session!

I froze ski mousses, with 77 calories per pot I could do much worse and seen as they come in individual pots I can still feel like a man by consuming all that lay before me with add an inch to my waistline, just pop them in the freezer and leave them for about 4 hours and they are ready to go.

No bake protein cheese cake

Ingredients for the base:

Light digestive biscuits 225g
Light butter 125g

Ingredients for the topping:

Light Philadelphia 270g, I am going to try Quark in the future and see how that turns out!
Flavoured Protein powder 75ml ( I used strawberry )


Sling your biscuits into a bowl or double bag them in a sandwich bag and knock the funk out of the them with a rolling pin or if you happen to Chuck Norris you can use your mighty fists of fury to pulverise them into dust! 

Next melt your butter, I just put it into the microwave for 30 seconds in a bowl and had done with it, I simply have no time to be messing around with the hob! 

Mix the butter and crushed biscuits together into a bowl, I used a fork as my whisk kept getting clogged up! 
Do this until the biscuits have fully absorbed the butter.

Next put your buttery, biscuit mulch into a cake tin and spread it all out until it covers the the bottom of the tin and is nice and even, I used a spoon to even it all out, now put the base in the fridge while you crack on with base!

Onto the topping! 

Pop your philly into a bowl, scoop in your protein powder and mix it all up! Once fully mixed in spoon your mixture onto your cooled base, smooth it out and leave it over night in the fridge to make sure it properly sets.

There you go! Job done! 

Now I know this recipe is quite calorific but it's here as an alternative to a full fat cheese cake, you are going to want a slab of cheese cake at some point so if you are going to be indulgent you can aim for the lesser of two evils! I had my friends act as guinea pigs for the taste test and they said this recipe is just as good a traditional cheese cake, although on second attempt I did use chocolate digestive biscuits, but I hunted for the lowest calorie option the shop had to offer, you may be surprised in the difference between one biscuit brand and another.


Veet hair removal spray

There are two big things you can do to help show off your definition and those mighty gains you have been crafting at the iron church, tanning and hair removal!

I have to admit I do shave more than most guys would probably admit too but for the purpose of this review I took the plunge and used Veet hair removal spray on my legs as I needed a good amount of hair to properly see how good the product, those gorilla genes seemed to of stayed with my father!

I picked the Veet up for £5.99 from my local Morrisons and used a self service till to avoid any potential embarrassment!

 I feel it's priced well and does exactly what it says on the tin! Using the spray made me feel like a hoodlum slapping my tag on a wall near the train station and would almost call it fun if it wasn't for the smell!

It's  great for reaching those harder to reach places like the back of my leg, especially when compared to the cream and shaving, I haven't been brave enough to try out a wax or sugaring I will leave that review to some other brave blogger!
The only down sides I found, other than the smell which I have already mentioned is that higher on your leg you can't really control where the spray goes to so you may end up with some slight chemical burns on more sensitive areas...yes I am talking about genitals!!!! You had to go and make me say it didn't you! The burns only lasted about a day and no hair was left in piece by this hair disintegrating acid!
Hair today, gone tomorrow!

The other downside was there simply wasn't quite enough in the canister, like I mentioned I am hardly the living embodiment of Chewbacca and I don't feel I was out of control with how liberally I was applying the spray but it managed about one leg and three quarters of the other, I am 6 foot tall though so maybe my endless legs where just too much for it and you may have better luck?

The results were amazing, no rash, no irritation, no stubbly regrowth, no hair left at all! If you can handle the smell go out and whack some in your shopping basket and unleash your hairlessness on the world!


New Logo!

I have finally decided to get series with building my business and brand  got myself a logo designed!

Let me know what you think!

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Quinoa Porridge


100g of quinoa
180ml of semi skimmed milk

First pour your quinoa into a pan of your chose and put it on the hob over a medium heat and cook until it has browned, you will have to stir it often to stop it from burning, while I was browning the quinoa it popped like popcorn!

Once you are happy that your quinoa is suitably toasted then add your milk, bring to boil then let it simmer until your grains are soft and at your desired consistency, I added cinnamon at this point then one I had got the porridge into my into my bowl I added a spoon full of honey, but like porridge made from oats you can be as creative as you like!

My porridge has a nutty taste and a bit of bite to it, I have never had quinoa porridge before so I have nothing to compare mine to but I did enjoy it and given the chose I would take quinoa porridge over oats.

Nutritionally quinoa destroys oats with higher protein, vitamin B-3, fibre, iron, calcium, folate, zinc, vitamin E and magnesium so it's worth giving it ago and seeing what you think!
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