Same strong brand image on the box as the other products in Fuel's breakfast arsenal leaving the snap,crackle and pop boys shaking in there boots!
Protibricks tasted exactly the same as traditional weetabix but are they really worth the 52p extra?
I am not convinced.

Protibricks are whole grain, low salt and low sugar sounds great until you realise the cheaper alternative does exactly the same, being essentially the same product with a touch less protein. Protibricks does advertise that it's bricks are squared edged, if that isn't a big enough claim to make you rush out and buy them I don't know what will!.
To be honest I would not buy Protibricks again unless they were cheaper than weetabix and even then due to feel like the packing has attempted to bamboozle me I would probably give them a miss altogether.
Sorry for the negative review Fuel but look on the bright side! You got £2 off me!
I continuously continue coming to your website once more simply in case you have posted new contents. reppors