Wednesday, 6 May 2015

How to heal your hunch back!

Sick of being the office Quasimodo? Hopefully I can help you with that.

Rounded shoulders has a name it's about as pretty as the hunch you get from it, kyphosis is mainly found in office workers who spend a lot of time hunched over a computer for 9 hours a day 40 hours a week, cyclists  and those muscle morons that are all chest and no back and your body being the amazing little creature it is has adapted to this. Now instead of having a lovely S curve in your spine you now have a hideous C.

To see if your chest is tight simply stand with your back against a wall, make sure your bum, upper back head are all touching the wall and you have a curve in the lower part of your spine so it's that S shape that all those celebrities are always showing off in Heat magazine. You arms should be at your sides with your palms facing the wall.
Now bring your arms up with the mission of touching the wall either side of your head with the backs of your hands, can't manage it? Then you sir have a tight chest!

What can be done I hear you scream! Well first of all we need to stretch your chest and strengthen your back muscles. Until I get to star in some videos I am going to have to suggest checking youtube for some chest stretches and videos of prone cobras and back extensions but I will solider on with my attempt to explain them!

Chest stretch 1 : Find a door way. Stand in the door way. Bring your arms up so you look like a human letter T, then flex your arms, as if you were showing off your biceps but without the contraction of the muscles. Now place your palms on the door frame and try and push your chest through the door while stopping yourself with your hands! Do this for 20-30 seconds. Not recommend to try this between automatic doors!

Chest stretch 2: Lay on your back, no not for sexy time, stretch out your arms out so you are doing your best impression of the letter T again. Do thumbs up with both your hands with your palms facing the ceiling and try and rolling your thumbs back towards the ground. Hopefully you will feel a stretch! If laying on the floor is painful then feel free to lie on a cushion or pillow to make yourself more comfortable.Again hold for 20-30 seconds.

How to do a Prone Cobra : No it's not some far eastern fighting pose! Lie on your belly with your legs straight, arms by your sides and palms down then try and bring as much of your body off the floor as you can, while squeezing your bum and trying to make your thumbs touch the ceiling.To start hold for 2 seconds then rest and repeat 12 times.

The nugget: You can make a nugget by taping 2 tennis balls together then lying on top of it so your spine fits into the groove between the two ball then roll your back up and down to give yourself a back massage,this will probably feel uncomfortable is it breaks up the years of tension you have built up!

I hope you are able to decipher my explanations and please please please consult a doctor if you have any issues with your spine! You only have one and once it's gone it's gone. Severe Kyphosis can actually change the shape of your bones.


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