Thursday, 14 April 2011

Why drink Water?

Have a nice refreshing glass of boring old water then!

2 litres is the recommended amount of water that should be drunk a day. 
Seems like a lot but I know you can sink a pint in the pub in under 6 seconds!

My easy 4 step method (that's right! Only 4 steps!) for upping the amount you drink are:

Step 1: Buy a big bottle. 

Step 2: Fill it with water. 
Step 3: Keep it with you all the time. 
Step 4: Just keeping sipping at it!

So are you dehydrated?
 Well there is a quick and easy way to see, check your wee! 

How glamorous I hear you scream!

Well here is what you are looking for.

If your pee is clear, very pale or pale yellow then you are hydrated, hurrah! 

Give your self a pat on the back!

 If it is mild or dark yellow then you are dehydrated, so get your mouth piece round some council pop.

Dehydration starts faster than you think and things can go belly up fast, just ask the goldfish that my mother accidentally boiled in the sun when she was cleaning.

At 3% dehydration blood volume and flow is reduced and the effectiveness of your kidneys suffers, there will also be a measurable drop in exercise performance, symptoms include dry mouth and head ache.

At 4% the capacity for hard muscular work out drops by 20% to 30%.

At 5% heat exhaustion will require medical attention.

At 7% dehydration function becomes severely affected and you will start to hallucinate.

At 10% dehydration will lead to heat stroke. Circulatory collapse and death. 

Our bodies are made up of 60-80% water and every chemical reaction within your body takes place in the presence of water.
 It moves everything like oxygen, vitamins and minerals and helps regulate temperature plus it makes you look younger which is always a bonus!

If you fancy watching a cringey video to go along with this post the please click the link here


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