Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Body types!

  There are 3 body types, also known as somatotypes, Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph.

"But  which am I" you cry! 

Well hopefully this will clear some things up for you.
Sadly, unlike your first Pokemon you don't get to pick which one you have.


This one is for all the long skinny, bean poles out there.

 They are skinny, have a light build with small joints and lean muscle, shoulders tend to be thin with not much width, usually have long, thin arms and legs with stringy muscles making them perfect for reaching high shelves and long distance running.

Ectomorph’s struggle to gain weight due to a fast metabolic rate so need a lot of calories in order to gain fat or muscle.

Workouts should be short and intense focusing on compound exercises like squats, dead lifts, bench press and pull ups.

Generally, ectomorph’s can lose fat very easily but struggle to pack on muscle.

 Ectomorph’s are those people who can eat pretty much eat what they want and not put any weight on.
What’s going on with their insides may be a different story all together though.

Ectomorphs tend to be good at endurance events like cross country because they have more “endurance” muscle fibres or the more proper term slow twitch muscle fibres.


A mesomorph has a large bone structure, large muscles and a naturally athletic physique making them perfect for  bodybuilding. 
They find it quite easy to gain and lose weight so it's a double edged sword.

 The mesomorph body type responds the best to weight training, gains in strength and muscle size are usually seen very quickly. 

Mesomorphs gain fat more easily than ectomorphs, this means they must watch what they eat other wise they will end up looking like a Snorlax! 

These are the sort of people that just look at a dumbbell and gain an inch of muscle, the envy of the other body types.


 The endomorph body type is solid and generally soft, a bit like a mattress or a sofa, 

but you know, a living person!

 Endomorphs gain fat very easily and tend  to be shorter with thick arms and legs.

 Muscles are strong, especially the upper legs.

 Endomorphs find they are naturally strong in leg exercises like the squats.

 Unfortunately, a large portion of their weight is fat not muscle.

If they look at a cake it can feel like they gain an extra chin.

The best advice I could give is that endomorphs really have to earn their treats, which would even include food like bread not just champagne and chocolates.

Most people are a combination of two body types. 
These combinations are either ectomorph/mesomorph or mesomorph/endomorph or you could be pure, unadulterated  somatotypes.

When looking at your nutrition and exercise you should consider your somatotyoe  to have most effective result and reduce potentailly be disheartened at not getting the results you are looking for as quickly as other people, everyone's body different. 

If you want to see the video I made on the subject then click here and prepare to cringe out!


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