It's winter time hurrah!
Hot drinks, rich foods, Halloween parties, Bonfire night, Christmas, lights, gifts and New Year all these things should make the dark, long cold nights almost something to relish.
With oh so many wonderful things to get excited about how can you not get excited?
Well depression.
I know what you are thinking, "oh well that's depressing" and yes, absolutely it is depressing and for anyone who is greeted by the winter blues or Seasonal Affective Disorder every year this is not a time for excitement but dread.
I have never been formally diagnosed with SAD, I have discussed with doctors and they have told me that they are reluctant to label me as it would effect my employability and even had a mental health nurse tell that SAD doesn't exist.
My experience without a diagnosis is just that, my experience but I do feel it's a valid one.
Most winters I fall into a depression, particularity when we turn the clocks back and it can be absolutely debilitating making it almost impossible to accomplish day to day things like changing my clothes, having a shower or even wanting to be alive.
Typical symptoms include sleep problems, anxiety, panic attacks, over eating, lack of energy, concentration problems, irritability, lack of desire for intimacy, relationship problems and even hypomaina in the summer which before looking into this thought was solely the domain of bi polar.
Aside from panic attacks I tick everything on the list.
Now I have never been suicidal which I am eternally thankful for but wanted to look into suicide and winter, know for some light bed time reading.
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Surprisingly suicide rates actually peak in late spring/ early summer which I found interesting as I was expecting them to be higher in winter , with SAD affecting 29% of the UK population and the pressures and expectations of Christmas this was at least a small comfort in a strange sort of way.
"But what can I do about it" I hear you plead!
There are a few things you can do to boost you mood which is pretty standard advice.
Exercise, get outside more and eat right anything that can boost your vitamin D shop go onto your shopping list like cheese, eggs and mushrooms, perfect for an omelet.
Self care can have a big impact on how you feeling, having a shower, shave, changing your bedding anything you feel you can manage.
Now when I am depressed going to the toilet can be the crowning achievement of the day let along heading off for a brisk jog so what else can you do?
The easiest things for me are to supplement with vitamin D and open my curtains when I am feeling up to it.
I have invested in a sunrise alarm clock and an SAD lamp with admittedly a little expensive I find they really do help me.
I would view them as a necessity not a luxury to help you reconcile the price.
Of course there is also the prospect of going onto anti depressants but I consider those a last resort personally but everyone is different and go down the route is best for you.
I hope this post is helpful and I will be doing a write up for my SAD lamp and alarm clock, when I manage it will be dependant on how I am feeling.
If you want to read a bit more on SAD the check out Dungarees and Donuts experiences with SAD by clicking here
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