Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Volunteering at the Leeds Dental Hospital

For about 10 years I had not been to see a dentists, partly because of waiting lists, the actual cost and the fact that I don't really have any problems with my teeth.

When I moved to the city and found out I could volunteer at the dental hospital and not only get free treatment but also help the students master their chosen profession, win win in my eyes!

I signed up and then forgot all about it!

About a year and a half later I got a letter through my door saying I had an appointment to be assessed to see if I fit the needs of the students.

I was seen by a fully qualified dentist and then went home to play the waiting game again, not for as long this time and had my first appointment a couple of months later.

Not exactly a Hollywood smile!
Basically my teeth are over crowded, part of the reason I try not smile much, as a result I also struggle to brush/ floss the more over crowed area so I had a build up of calculus on my teeth.

Calculus is the build up you can get on your teeth from not brushing properly and it can start to form within 24 hours so make sure you are brushing twice a day kids.

Other than that I mouth health was really good, a bit of bleeding in the over crowed areas but no cavities, abscesses, rotten teeth or bad breath!

I had my teeth scaled and polished and given general advice on how to look after my teeth better with some being more obvious than others such as avoiding sugary and carbonated drinks or only having more acid drinks like orange juice with meals as the extra saliva helps protect your teeth.

Other tips given were not rinsing your mouth after brushing, not using mouth wash straight away after brushing, to floss before brushing, not to use Corsodyl daily everyday and to brush my teeth for at least two minutes.

If you are gums are bleed then it's an early sign that something is a miss and you should go to your dentist and to diagnose the issue before you lose your pearly whites.

However if you are a smoker then your gums may not bleed because nicotine constricts the blood vessels.

This means your gum health could be in the gutter without you knowing it so if you haven't been to the dentist in the last six months it might be worth booking an appointment even if it's just remind them of what you look like.

With smoking and gum disease having strong links to heart disease you should make looking after your mouth health a priority, that and quitting smoking of course!

I have had a really positive experience volunteering with the Leeds Dental Hospital and would recommend anyone to sign up as a volunteer, not only are you doing something good for yourself but also for the students.


Sunday, 16 October 2016


What are Meggings you say? 

Well they are they a rather devilish play on words with half being Men and the other being Leggings and so Meggings were born!

I was kindly sent a pair of by the Kapow to review.

If you are stuck for a Halloween costume idea then their Mr Bone Jangles or Beetle Juice Meggings  might be exactly what you need!

Aside from the two designs I have already mentioned they their Interstellar and Supernova designs that are truly out of this world.
Check out  Kapow's site and see their entire range by clicking here

I was sent the Merman Megging and after slipping them on I did feel like Aquaman.
Well maybe Aquaman after a few kababs, but Aquaman none the less.

As you would expect the Meggings offer great range of movement while having a workout and offer something a bit different than traditional leggings worn by guys in the gym.

Out in the street I did feel a bit self conscious, I didn't get any negative attention but I did feel like a lot of eyes were on me, just how I felt when I first started going to the gym.

The fact is the chances that people were eye balling me are fairly slim and if they were, who I am I to blame them for wanting to check all of dis out?

Now a more intimate issue that I should go over. 

Visible Penis Line.
All I can say is patterns and colour are your friends and maybe invest some time in some strategic positioning!

The only negative I have for Meggings is that mine have some very slight damage on them were the material seems to of frayed, the damage is so minor that it's really hard for me to get a clear picture of it but I still felt like I had to mention it for the purpose of this review.

 I don't know if I have just caught them on something or if they were damaged to start with, sadly it will be another mystery for the ages.
The material feels strong and damage resistant so I am puzzled as to what has happen.

Other than that I have nothing but positive things to say about say about Meggings, as long as you have the confidence to pull them off and a jacket with a suitable amount of pockets I'd say get some added to your Christmas list!


My Progress Jul-Sep 2016

The title of this post is misleading I'm afraid.

I have barely made any progress at all in the last three months, due to constant illness everything has pretty much gone a bit poo, I haven't completed any events with Tough Mudder and Primal Stampede both having to be cancelled, plus the very mention of the gym gives guilt pangs not to mention I have not updated my blog in almost two months.

Crikey, I really need to get my finger out of my bottom and finish this year on a good note!

But it isn't hasn't been a total flop, I started my youtube channel and have been gathering products and ideas for new blog posts in the coming months.

My health has improved to the point I can start putting in the hours again on my blog and properly get into the youtube world. 

With the nature of my blog I do have to do a certain amount of research for most of the posts that I write, as much as I would like to market myself as an encyclopedia of all things health and fitness related it simply isn't the case.

A typical post will take at the very least a couple of hours, at the end of the day I don't want to look like a tart my posting information that isn't correct at the time of writing, so when I get ill the blog does go onto the back burner.

The last thing I want to be doing well I am praying for a solid turd or fighting a migraine is to be sat staring at a computer screen researching the wonders of avocado, that being said I do enjoy writing my blog but since I don't make an income from it I can pick it up and drop it if needed. 

I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who reads my posts and all the brands that I have worked with and the brands that I am currently writing reviews for.

With all that out of the way I suppose I should unveil my dad bod  picture, try not to vom on your screen!

My diet has been an absolute mess, while I have been ill have been cycling between barely eating anything to eating everything I can get my paws on, I have stayed fairly active as I still need to get out and earn some dollar to carry on paying for my lemonade lifestyle.

Well that's about it, hopefully the wait between now and my next post won't be so long.

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