Sunday, 28 August 2016

U Fit, Protein Coffee

I was kindly sent some U Fit iced latte protein coffee by The Protein Drinks Company to review.

U Fit has no added sugar which helps give it an authentic coffee taste, which you would expect from a drink made from Arabica beans which are used by big companies like Starbucks, Kenco and even Mc Donalds.

 Packing 22 grams of protein in each 310ml bottle which is like eating four eggs.
There is also added vitamins D, E, C and Fibre.

You also get about the same amount of caffeine as you would expect from an actual cup of coffee.

I am not a coffee drinker and personally prefer Twist Protein Coffee due their sweetness but my housemates who do enjoy coffee really enjoyed U Fit and said they would buy them over  traditional protein shakes.

It's not to say I didn't like U Fit I would just personally prefer my protein coffee to be sweeter which kind of defeats the No Added Sugar tag on the U Fit bottle.

My serving suggestion would be the colder the better, especially over ice.

If you love coffee then you will love U Fit, in fact if you check out their on line store you can pick up a pack of 8 for £10 at the time of writing this post, click here to check it out.

If you are in Leeds then you can pop into Hi Definition Supplements and pick some as well as some Moose Juice.


Moose Juice

When I saw that Muscle Mousse had released their own pre-work out BCAAS, Branched Chained Amino Acids, I had to run out and get some and check out if it lives up to their line of high protein desserts.

Luckily Hi Definition  Supplements already had a shipment so I could literally try some on the day that I discovered it's existence and for only £1.99.
I have tried products like this before and they have never really dazzled me, but I did enjoy Muscle Moose's venture into the pre workout arena.

Taste wise, if you have ever tried Refreshers then it's basically those in liquid form with  two coffees worth of coffee, some added B vitamins to help your body utilise fuel into energy and taurine to boost mood, concentration, memory and reduce the anxiety you some times get with caffeinated products.
The most interesting thing I found about Muscle Juice is that although it is zero sugar and doesn't even have aspartame in it, Muscle Juice does not have that artificial taste that many sugar free products tend to have.

Give a go for yourself, if you are a big fan of energy drinks but want to get an amino acid boost then you should definitely give Muscle Juice a blast.

 You can buy some online by clicking here or if you are in Leeds then pop into Hi Def and pick some up today.


Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Fresh Natural's Vegan Soap

I won a competition on Twitter and got some amazing vegan soaps.

Not only am excited to give them a try but also because the only thing I have ever one before now is a goldfish at the local fayre, the goldfish died.

I was sent two soaps and a "buffer bag" which is a bag that you place your soap in and use to exfoliate yourself as well be able to use the entire bar of soap when it comes towards the end of it's life.

The first was made with avocado oil with cocoa butter, cold pressed avocado, olive and coconut oil and fragranced with coriander and lime.

The second was made from hemp oil, hemp seeds, cold pressed hemp oil and fragranced with lavender and rosemary essential oils.

They both smell amazing, I left them in my living room for a day by mistake and I could smell them from across the room and my sink felt equally amazing after using them.

Price wise on the whole Fresh Naturals appears to be cheaper than Lush and offer many vegan products delivered to your door.

Fresh Naturals don't only sell soaps, they also sell bath bombs, shaving bars, solid shampoo, lip balms, body scrubs, moisturisers, face masks, bath salts and accessories.

I am really surprised that these luxury products are so cheap and to the fact that they are completely vegan makes me even more surprised!

Not only are vegan products better for the animals they are also better for our bodies and the environment so when I find any products that are a high quality and just happen to be vegan I just have to spread the word.

Please check out Fresh Naturals product lines by clicking here

If you a friend or family member then you won't have to think to hard about what I will be getting you for Christmas and maybe a treat or two for myself!

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

The cost of the Nutribuddy meal plan

If you have already seen my My First Impressions of Nutribuddy post then you will know that that I am reviewing the Nurtribuddy weight loss kit for two weeks.

In the kit came a five day meal plan and because I did feel that the meal plan looked quite expensive I have used mySupermarket to find out where the cheapest main stream super market can make the menu for the least amount of money.

I will be listing the ingredients, not the recipes as I don't want to give Nutribuddy's meal plan away for free.

Please bear in mind that I have inserted every item on the menu, as if you have a completely empty kitchen.
If the menu calls for salt then that is going on the list.

Because some items are in more than one meal if it has been "purchased"  already then I will not add that to cost of the meals that day.

Hopefully that made sense!

Day 1 Shopping List:                Day 2 Shopping List:         Day 3 Shopping List:

Oats                                         Natural Yogurt                 Whole Meal Plain Flower
Semi Skimmed Milk                  Agave Syrup                   Egg
Agave Syrup                           Mixed Berries                  Skimmed Milk
Berries                                     Mixed Nuts                      Coconut Oil
Quinoa                                     Steak                                Mixed Berries
3 Garlic Cloves                         2 Garlic Cloves                 Natural Yogurt
Organic Chicken Breast            Grated Ginger                   Sea Bream Fillet
Coconut Oil                              Onion                               4 Garlic Cloves
Vine Tomatoes                          Pepper                              Dried Chili
Olives                                       Tabasco                             Rosemary
Red Onion                                Soy Sauce                          Sea Salt
Feta Cheese                             Sesame Oil                         Soy Sauce
Mint Leaves                              Clear Honey                       Coconut Oil
Lemon                                      Cocoa Powder                   Cranberry Juice          
Coconut Milk                            Banana                               Raspberries
Coconut Yogurt                          Sea Salt                             Agave Syrup
Banana                                      Aubergine                           Baby Potatoes
Mango                                      Coconut Oil                         Organic Chicken Breast
Flax Seed                                  Balsamic Vinegar                  Onion
Coriander                                  Sultanas                                 Chicken Stock
Fresh Ginger                              Rocket                                 Tarragon
Sea Salt                                      Cherry Tomatoes                 Asparagus
Red Chili                                                                               Creme Fraiche
2 Limes
Fish Sauce
Salmon Fillet

Day 4 Shopping List:               Day 5 Shopping List:

Oats                                       Eggs
All Bran                                  Semi Skimmed Milk
Wheatgerm                             Smoked Salmon                    
Raisins                                     Pepper
Apricots                                 Lemon Juice
Golden Linseed                       Quail's Eggs
Sweet Chili Sauce                   Green Beans
Lime                                       New Potatoes
Salmon Fillet                            Anchovy
Coconut Oil                            Parsley
Semi Skimmed Milk                Chives
Dark Chocolate                       Natural Yogurt
Agave Syrup                           Frozen Raspberries
Coconut Cream                       Dark Chocolate
Cocoa Powder                        Onion
Pasta                                        Red Pepper
Cherry Tomatoes                       Coconut Oil
Anchovy Fillet                            Chili Powder
Sultanas                                     Beef Mince
Garlic                                        Kidney Beans
Capers                                     Beef Stock
Almonds                                   Tomato Puree
Coconut Oil                               Agave Syrup
Basil                                         Sea Salt
                                                Coriander, rice and yogurt

The day one  would set you back £39.71 from Morrisons, which was the cheapest result on mySupermarket.

Day two would set you back £18.87 from Asda, which was the cheapest on mySupermarket.
This figure was made on the assumption that you would have items left over from the day before like coconut oil and agave syrup.

The third menu would set you back £35.56 from Asda, which again was the cheapest, this was again after exclude items such as the organic chicken breast which I bought in a pack of two on day one.

On the fourth day you would have to fork out another £18.50, again from Asda. Wheatgerm is not available at Asda so you would have to go to Morrisons to pick some up for £1.41, which I have included in the total.

The final day costs £18.19 from Asda but you would have to go to Tesco for the cheapest Quails Eggs which cost £2.69 and I have included the cost in the total.

So five days worth of food would set you back £130.83, more shocking than that the recommended serving size for each of the meals if for one person.

I would struggle to spend that amount of money on food for an entire month let alone in five days.

 In fact I am sure my mum used to feed our family of six on a food budget of around £100 for an entire week.

I do think meal plans like this put people off eating more healthily because people just look at it and think

 "it's too expensive to eat healthy foods"

Honestly, with meal plans like this I can't really blame them but it can be done if you plan ahead.


Tuesday, 2 August 2016

First Impressions of Nutribuddy

I was sent a weight loss kit by Nutribuddy to review so here are my first of impressions, if you hadn't already guessed from the post title what this was going to be all about.

The kit is comprised of a bag of body sculpting whey protein, multi vitamins, hunger fix tablets, a recipe book, the little book of weight loss and a shaker bottle.

I will be using the kit for twos so here is my " before" picture and when the two weeks are up I will post a it again with my "after" picture.

My very first impression is that this kit is marketed towards women but being the modern man that I am I paid it no heed and powered through.

Body Sculpting Whey

I was impressed with the Sculpting Whey, with it's all natural ingredients, no GMOs, added green tea, chromium and guarana to help promote weight loss and all at just 115ckal a serving.

The Whey Protein is vegetarian  which I was a bit disappointed at because there are vegan protein powders available.

Multi Vitamins

Again the multi vitamins impressed just from the sheer amount of different vitamins that are in one tiny pill, are you ready for a long list? Ok! Let's GO!

Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Selenium, Copper, Boron, Folic Acid, Iodine, Chromium, Molybdenum, Biotin

Now for the vitamins.

Vitamin C, Vitamins B1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 12, Vitamin D3, Vitamin A and Vitamin E

I will hopefully be working my way through each of those and writing a post on what they do for your body because there are a few I have never heard of and I am sure most people reading this will not know either.

The multi vitamins are vegan.

Hunger Fix Tablets

The hunger fix tablets left me on the fence because although I am intrigued by them as I have not used a product like them before but also I don't like the idea of taking a pill instead of eating.

This was an incorrect assumption, the hunger fix tablets are used to fill you before a meal so in theory you don't consume as many calories.

The Hunger Fix tablets are vegan.

The Little Book of Weight Loss

The little book of weight loss gives you a brief run through of the other elements of the kit, a dos and don'ts list to help you stay the course, a 5 day meal plan and an FAQ.

My impression of the Little Weight Loss book was great until I saw the 5 day meal plan.

There is nothing wrong with per say, I just don't know how compatible it would be for most people's lifestyles.

I myself like the vast majority of the recipes in the book but since I am surrounded by people drowning drowning their food in ketchup not I not sure how they would take to aubergine salad.

The only other thing I had to say about the meal plan is that it looks quite expensive, I will be doing a break down of each day and see which super market can provide the ingredients at the cheapest price.

The meals themselves look easy enough to prepare.

The Recipe Book

The recipes all look amazing, with smoothies to main meals and desserts.

I can't wait to try them out!

The Shaker Bottle

What would you like me to say about it?
It's a shaker bottle not some exotic item from an unknown country.

It is not recommended to use these products when breast feeding or pregnant, don't worry I got myself a test just in case!

On the bright side none of the products effect the contraceptive pill and alcohol will not impact the products but it is adding needless calories to your diet.

I have made a short YouTube video about my first impressions of the Nutribuddy weight loss kit, if you would like to check it then click the link here.

If you like the video then please subscribe.
I am hopefully going to be posting videos regularly and even more hopefully the quality of the videos I make will improve as well.

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